Frequently Asked Questions
& their Answers
We have compiled the answers to some of the questions we commonly get asked
and hope you'll find some immediate answers here.
But if you can't find an answer to your specific question here,
don't worry and just contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
What age children can go in the crèche?
Children aged 1year and above can be catered for – you just need to tell us if they have any special needs.
Do my children need to have lunch with them in the crèche or can they come out and eat lunch with me?
You will need to collect your child at lunch time to eat their lunch.
What if my child needs a quiet room?
There will be an unsupervised quiet/sensory room for anyone that needs a break. Parents must supervise their children in this room.
Are the workshops for young people for all ages?
We have provided workshops for primary age (4-11) and secondary age children (11-18)
Can my child attend the crèche and the workshops?
Yes, they are welcome to take part in all the activities. However, it is the parent’s responsibility to collect their children to/from the workshops.
Do children attend the crèche or the children's workshops whilst the parents attend the adult’s workshops/talks?
The aim of the adult’s workshops are to enable parents to have "protected" time to talk and ask questions without their children present. We would usually expect children/young people to either be in the crèche, attending a workshop or otherwise supervised. We do understand however that you may need to collect a child from their workshop if they become distressed or unwell, and workshop leaders will be made aware of this.
Some workshops may be parents and young people to attend together – this will be stated on the booking information.
My child has special needs – can they attend the event?
Please phone us to discuss any special needs or disabilities and we will try to make sure that the event is open to all.
Will there be lunch for vegetarians/gluten free?
Please phone or email us to make sure that we have some suitable food available for you or your child. You will be asked about this when you book.
I need to get the bus to The Ridgeway Centre, Wolverton – where is it?
Please visit or telephone Arriva Bus 0344 800 4411
Do I have to attend the whole day?
If you would rather not take part in the workshops, that's fine. There will be lots of information stands and people you can talk to for advice and support.
The workshops are full up / are of no interest to me, is it worth coming?
There is a list of all the exhibitors who will be available to talk to you and there may be a workshop vacancy if someone does not turn up. Please come along and see us!